Marhaban To AMF
African Muslim Forum is a religious organisation incorporated within the Scottish charitable organisation ( Charity No: SC051507 )
As privileged amongst all humans, African Muslims in Scotland have been together for over a decade, looking after one another physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Therefore, our group AFRICAN MUSLIMS FORUM SCOTLAND (AMFS) coexists as one big family for the benefit of everyone. Quran 3 vs 103; And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you….
Our Purposes
The organisation’s charitable purposes are to advance the education of the Islamic religion, the advancement of citizenship or community development, and to promote equality and diversity by:
- Providing Islamic education and enlightenment of members towards peaceful coexistence within the community
- Organising lectures and symposiums on Islam
- Organising various events ad outdoor picnics open to everyone irrespective of their background or belief.
- Provision of support or relief item for people in need
- Provision of help with the English language within the community
- Enlighten members of the community on health and social policies, and how it affects them.